Bone Grafting Surgery

Dental bone loss can become a serious issue. Bone loss can be caused by a variety of reasons, but one of the leading causes is periodontal disease. Bone loss can affect the ability of our teeth to be properly anchored into the jaw, and bone loss can cause patients to lose their permanent teeth. In addition, once those teeth are lost, the body can begin to resorb the surrounding jaw bone. This process can eventually lead to even more tooth loss and even a change in facial appearance.

Fortunately, Dr. Williams and his talented staff have the experience and knowledge that you need to help maintain and rebuild bone so that you can smile confidently!

Understanding Bone Grafting

In order to properly ensure the health and stability of your jaw, Dr. Williams may determine that bone grafting surgery is the best option for your long-term treatment. The procedure involves cleaning out any infected tissue from the gums and bone. Our staff will fold back the gums to remove the bacteria, calculus, and tartar. This helps to reduce the chances of infection following your bone graft.

Once the area is cleaned and prepared, the new bone is placed in the right location. There may be some shaping that occurs to help speed the healing process and ensure that the bone grows properly. The incision is then closed, and you are released.

Your body then recognizes the new bone material as its own and begins to incorporate the bone as its own. You will actually build new, strong bone around the graft that helps to secure it in place and increases the strength and density of the bone.

Types of Bone Grafts

There are many different types of bone grafts that dentists can use. The use of grafts depends on a patient’s need, desires, or the availability of a graft. Each of these graft types has specific advantages and disadvantages, so our staff will work closely with you to ensure that we are meeting your needs and giving you the best information available.

  • Autograft – An autograft uses your own bone. This bone is often taken from the hip or back where it is not needed and placed into the proper place in your mouth. Autografts are often good for patients with good overall health and help to reduce the potential of infection or rejection.

  • Allograft – Allografts utilize bone from a human donor. This may be the best option for some patients with general health issues or patients that do not want to have an additional surgical site to heal.

  • Xenograft – Xenografts utilize bone from an animal bone donor. The donor is generally from a cow. The advantage of xenografts is that they are more readily available, and the bone tissue is so similar to our own that they are easily incorporated.

  • Alloplast – An alloplast graft utilizes a synthetic graft to replace the bone material. This approach offers a strong underlying structure to promote the growth of new bone within your body.

Preventing Bone Loss

Of course, preventing bone loss before it happens can be one of the best approaches for patients. Additionally, patients who have experienced bone loss can help to stop or reduce the progression of that loss. A good oral hygiene routine is often the best solution to bone loss. Dr. Williams recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes, floss daily, and get your regular dental checkups.

If you begin to notice the signs of periodontal disease, call to schedule an appointment now to get it cleared up quickly.


Dental bone grafting is a great procedure to help repair and restore the function of your mouth. The procedure has become increasingly common, and Dr. Williams has the experience you need to ensure a successful operation. Call our offices to schedule an appointment today.